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5 Days


About the Course

We can't erase conflict from any levels of human experience, but we can transform it from destructive to creative one.

Based on Process Work Psychology, developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell, in this module, we will develop our senses, awareness, and  facilitation skills, in transforming many levels of conflict, including internal, interpersonal, and large group conflict. Process Work is a holistically psychotherapeutic paradigm based on many roots : Quantum Physics, Taoism, Jungian, Sharmanism; It also provide practical methodologies in working with many areas of life from inner work, body symptom work, family work, relationship work, organizational work, inter-ethnic/religious/race work, etc.

Many kinds of conflict happen because stuckness, or some stuffs unprocessed. We will learn to process them by tracking various subtle signals as clues to transformation, based on the principle that what's in the way is the way. Ultimately, we will learn how to flow and dance with the beauty and heat of tension, confrontation, and our own fear in order to reach out to the more deeper shared experience and sustainably common solution.


1. Develop awareness and skills in facilitation your own or other's process to reach breakthrough.

2. Befriending with conflict and some metaskills to find unexpected solution within conflict itself.

3. Learning how to deal with rank and priviledge

FACILITATOR: Chanchai Chaisukkosol


Mindell, Arnold (1995). Sitting in the Fire: Large Group Transformation Using Conflict and Diversity. OR : Portland, Lao Tse Press.

Mindell, Arnold (2002). The Deep Democracy of Open Forums: Practical Steps to Conflict Prevention and Resolution for the Family, Workplace, and World. VA : Charlottesville, Hampton Roads Publishing. P.127-130.

Arye, Lane and Arlene Audergon (2005), "Transforming Conflict into Community: Post-war Reconciliation in Croatia," Psychotherapy and Politics International 3(2) Wiley Publishers (;

Chanchai Chaisukkosol (2019) “Give Space to “Emotions, Feelings, and Deeply Authentic Voices”: A Deep Facilitation in Deep South Thailand”. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies. 5(2), 270-275.

Your Instructor

Chanchai Chaisukkosol

Chanchai is a peace and conflict facilitator who conducts many international and local training and facilitation to help individuals, groups and organizations in breaking through their own internal, interpersonal, and/or group/organizational conflict, to working more collaboration. Employing deep listening, spontaneity, playfulness, intuition, combining awareness-based and body-oriented approach, he helps transforming many conflicts into the heartful collaboration and effective communication in relationship, team working and groups interaction.
As a Computer Engineering student who turned to Political Science (2006-2010) at Chulalongkorn University, he set his journey on peace studies by working as a lecturer in Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (2010-2014) and Contemplative Education Center (2014-2015), Mahidol University, Thailand. Also he was trained as a facilitator and coach based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Process Work Psychology & Deep Democracy and Coaching for Transformation.
Combining all these background, he has lots of experience working with ‘real’ conflicts in various issues including Deep South Violence in Thailand, Ethno-Religious Conflict in Myanmar, conflict among top-executives & middle management in many sectors e.g. business firms, university facuties, school, NGOs, etc.
Read his longer bio at

Chanchai Chaisukkosol
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